The Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar at Univeristy of Texas, Houston Medical School meets every Tuesday, 4:00pm, in the seventh floor conference room 7.046.

Graduates should register to this as a course: GS 140111

We present and discuss recent developments in computational neuroscience, attempting a thorough understanding of the material as well as a wide view of the current literature.

Would you like to join? Please see our schedule and show up to our next meeting.

Like to be on the email list? Send a request to Harel Shouval: [email protected]

Fall 2009 SCHEDULE
9/8 Harel Shouval

Time-Warp–Invariant Neuronal Processing, Gutig and Somploinsky, Plos Comp. Bio (2009)

9/15 Naveed Aslam  
9/22 Dimitri Yatsenko Neuronal couplings between retinal ganglion cells inferred by efficient inverse statistical physics methods. (supplement) Cocco, et. al. PNAS 106: 14058–62, (2009).
9/29 Fabrizio Gabbiani How Connectivity, Background Activity, and Synaptic Properties Shape the Cross-Correlation between Spike Trains. Ostojic et al J. Neurosci 29: 10234-10253 (2009)
10/6 Tony Kellems

Correlation Between Eigenvalue Spectra and Dynamics
of Neural Networks.
Zhou et al, Neurocomp (2009)

10/13 Naveed Aslam Toward a microscopic model of bidirectional
synaptic plasticity
Castellani et al. PNAS (2009)
10/20 Neuroscience Meeting  
10/27 Katie Ward Temporal compression mediated by short-term synaptic plasticity Leibold et al PNAS (2008)
11/3 Kreso Josic Mean-Field Approximations for Coupled Populations of Generalized Linear Model Spiking Neurons with Markov Refractoriness Toyoizumi et al Neuro. Comp. (2009)
11/10 Jay Raol Dynamic I-V Curves Are Reliable Predictors of Naturalistic
Pyramidal-Neuron Voltage Traces
Badel et al (2007)
11/17 Pete Jones Motor Learning Is Optimally Tuned to the Properties of Motor Noise van Beers Neuron (2009)
11/24 Thanksgiving  
12/1 Steve Cox Reducing neuronal networks to discrete dynamics Terman et al Physica D (2007)
12/8 Animesh Agarwal Sensitivity of firing rate to input fluctuations depends on time scale separation between fast and slow variables in single neurons Nils et al (2009)  
12/15 Reymond Chan Analyzing Octopus Movements Using Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Yoram Yekutieli J. Nuerophys (2007)

List of Theoretical and Computational Talks in the Houston area

Journals and Reviewers
Nature Yoshi
Science Josic
Biophys J. Naveed
J. Neurophysiol Harel
J. Neurosci. Harel
Nature Reviews Neurosci Josic
Nature Neurosci Josic
Neuro Comp Robert
PLOS Comp Biol. Harel
Biol Cybern Georgios
Physical Biology Naveed
Neuron Jeff
Network Jeff

Computational Neuroscience Labs at UTH

Computational Neuroscience Core Facility (CNCF)
The Gulf Coast Consortia
Contact the coordinator to list your site here

Fall 2008 Spring 2008
Spring 2007 Summer 2007
Spring 2006 Fall 2006
Spring 2005 Fall 2005
Spring 2004 Fall 2004
Fall 2003


Contents © 2004-Present The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
All Rights Reserved. Some material copyrighted separately by their respective authors.
Unauthorized use of materials and content subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy | UT-Houston Medical School
Site designed and maintained by Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar .
Website Contact: [email protected]. Page Last Modified 12/23/2009 2:47 PM